Melicope cornuta

(Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner (2017)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Rosids Order: Sapindales Family: Rutaceae Genus: Melicope


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Erect palmoid shrubs 1–2(–7) m tall.

Stems: Main stem up to 2 cm in diameter, few–branched, branches ascending, leafy toward apex, glabrous throughout except new growth and young inflorescences, wood somewhat brittle, with a pepsin-like odor when freshly broken.


Leaves: Leaves simple. Opposite. Blades narrowly obovate to oblong–spatulate, 12–40 cm long, 5–13 cm wide. Apex bluntly obtuse to acute. Base long-attenuate or sometimes attenuate, but abruptly truncate or obtuse at juncture to petiole. Surfaces glandular punctate. Margins entire. Lateral veins ascending, connected by a deeply arched vein, midrib sulcate on upper surface. Petioles 2–10 mm long. Stipules absent.

Flowers: Flowers (3–)9–15 in axillary, cymose-fasciculate inflorescences, on lower stems below current leaves, peduncles nearly obsolete, pedicels 5–10 mm long, glabrous; bracts hirtellous when young. Flowers bisexual (perfect), actinomorphic. Calyx of 4 sepals, in imbricated pairs, suborbicular, 3–4 mm long, 5–6 mm wide, glabrous, margins ciliolate. Corolla of 4 petals, white or cream, broadly lanceolate, slightly imbricate, 9–16 mm long, ciliolate, otherwise glabrous. Stamens 8; filaments white, nearly completely connate into a staminal tube; anthers dithecal, subsessile on lobes of staminal tube, elongate, base subhastate, alternately larger and smaller. Ovary superior, 4-carpellate, 4-lobed, the carpels connate ½–¾ their length, placentation axile; styles at first connate, but later strongly divergent as the fruit matures; stigmas linear; ovules 5–8 per carpel, pendulous on short, broad funiculi; style columnar; stigmas linear, erect, connate, slightly thickened apically.

Fruit: Fruit cruciate; chartaceous; 16–33 mm in diameter; glabrous; carpels 10–16 mm long; upper part widely spreading in fruit; apex short–beaked; the beak 0.5–2 mm long. Seeds 8 per carpel; embryo with thin; broad; rounded cotyledons; hypocotyl very short; embedded in white endosperm.

Ploidy: 2n = 36*

Habitat: Mesic forest.

Elevation Range: 340–920 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: PhytoKeys 91: 129 (2017)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Melicope cornuta (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner at mokuleia forest reserve In gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN masaki, c. collector number: s.n. Oahu BISH 12/16/1979
2 Melicope cornuta (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner At Mokuleia Forest Reserve In gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Masaki, C. Collector Number: s.n. Oahu BISH 12/16/1979
3 Melicope cornuta (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner At Mokuleia Forest Reserve In gully. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Masaki, C. s.n. Oahu BISH 12/16/1979
4 Melicope cornuta (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner oahu. "halemana, wailupe, pauoa." PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hillebrand, w.f. s.n. MEL
5 Melicope cornuta (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner halemanu. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN w. b. hillebrand s.n. Oahu US
6 Melicope cornuta (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner Kawailoa; south of Puu Kainapuaa in the Koolau Mts. Elev. 2100-2400 ft. Metrosideros-Dicranopteris Lowland Wet Forest PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 2327 Oahu PTBG 1/27/1993
7 Melicope cornuta (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner Oahu Is., koolau Mts., punaluu east slope;well vegetated PRESERVED_SPECIMEN M. Koike s.n. UBC 1/11/1931
8 Melicope cornuta (Hillebr.) Appelhans, K.R.Wood & W.L.Wagner Honopu Trail, Kokee, Hanalei District PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Nagata, K.M. 2469 Kauai BISH 6/5/1982